We help structure your e-commerce

Catalogs are not just product descriptions but a bridge to connect the buyers to your products. Hence, it is very important that it should be explained right.

The only app you’ll need to power your e-commerce

Meet Slush. The simple, intuitive and powerful app to manage your work. Come integrate the future with your present and leverage data to plan better and sell faster.

What is Swirl?

Control and Enhance your customer experience with our experience platform.

Virtual Reality

Bring your brand to life with interactive, visual and memorable shopping experience with our virtual reality tool. Our virtual reality tool fits in perfectly with the beauty / fashion industry's need to create a customer experience where people can try out as many products as they want, before making their final choice.

Augmented Reality

Increase conversion by letting customers interactively view fashion and home products in 3D in the real world in front of them. And letting them compare multiple products side-by-side in their room to make a purchase decision.

Advanced Cataloguing

According to Gartner, 81% of marketers are expected to be competing mostly or completly on the basis of customer experience by 2020. Identifying the need for an improved customer experience Citrusberry Slush offers cataloging plus. These solutions will not only enhance customer experience for your brand but also help you attract greater customer base and gain loyal customers.

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